Atlantic Sportscar Club
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm
15 People in attendance
President: Debbie Miller
Vice President/Membership: Jason Smith( absent)
Treasurer: Brian Jarvis (absent)
Secretary: Gordon Sleigh
Race Director: Brian Gay (absent)
Rally Director: Gordon Sleigh
Solo Director: Taylor MacArthur (absent)
Member/Directors at Large: George Sheppard
Gord read last months minutes.
Al gave a membership report. He stated that ASCC has 54 members
Brian Jarvis was absent so Debbie Miller read the treasurers report.
She stated that there was $417.56 in the Paypal account and the bank balance was $13 357.00. She also stated that levies were paid and all liabilities were paid up to date. It was aslso stated the card were made up for the assoication and were shown to the members at this time; that Gord Sleigh has set up the website and made a few things easier; about getting business cards printed. Al Gray asked Debbie for a list of founding members for membership purposes.
Taylor McArthur was absent so Debbie read the solo report. Truro Convergys parking lot has been confirmed but only on a date to date basis as the building is up for lease. the band has asked for payment up fron so a cheque needs to be issued before the next event in the amount of $600 for both the school and the race. The cost of the first event has been confirmed to be $40 for both days if paid in advance or $25 for one. It has been agreed that the will be a meeting of the instructors and executive before the school begins.
The HPDS has been confirmed for the May holiday liong weekend and will include a max of 25 entries with the school being held at Sureshot in Sackville and then AMP on Monday.
Gord Sleigh read the Rally report. He stated that rally is the same as before. The next event will be in the fall. He mentioned there would be a rally cross on Sunday MArch 18, 2012 at Scotia Speedworld. He also stated that August would be the date for the Ledwidge Lookoff rally.
Debbie read the race report.
She stated that AMP held a meeting in Truro on Sunday and there were no changes or surprises. Executive remained the same and that the road leading into AMP was changed to Racetrack Road. She also stated the they are workking with a consulting group to find money for ventures at the track.
Schedule is as follws:
First event will be after the long weekend in May and it is expected there will be about 10 Spec Miaitas attending. They will be illimnating the lappers and replacing it with a Spec Miaita race. Smalled grids are expected, but in theory, more racing. Entry fee will be $380.00.
Speedsport will be April 5-7, 2012
John Davies mentioned posting ads on Kijiji as a way to promote events. It was agreed this will be looked into further.
Alligator laps will be available at events for a fee of $10.00 per car. Mike Barker, Derrick Clarke and George Sheppard agree to work the starters bridge for races.
Old Business:
Banners are still available for $20.00 each from Derrick Clarke.
New Business
Georges model group is holding a pool party.
Registration needs to be paid for the Solo trailer.
Swap Shop
Debbie needs 13 inch rims; 4×100
George still has tires for sale (15 inch)
Al has Mustang rims available.
Derrick still has banners.
A tech inspector is still required for events.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm