ASCC September Meeting
September 10, 2024


220 Members

217 prior to September 1


We have $20252.07 in the bank after everything has cleared.
$78.00 in the square account
Outstanding Cheque to Scotia
NSRJS has updated copy of our bylaws

Zack not in attendance

Our final scheduled event of the year on September 8 at Scotia Speed World was cancelled, it has been rescheduled for October 5th

The National Autoslalom Championship was held at Sanair Super Speedway in Quebec on August 23,24,25. ASCC had 4 competitors go up for this event. There were 100 people that attended.

Raw Time Results
Steve – 3rd overall
Joel – 5th overall
Trevor- 29th overall
Alan- 67th overall

Pax Results
Steve – 7th overall
Trevor – 24th overall
Alan – 61st overall
Joel – 63rd overall

Class Results
Steve – 1st in XA
Joel – 1st in FM
Trevor – 1st in CAM-T
Alan – 2nd in CAM-T

Still Looking for lots to hold events, if you know of any available that may work.


There was an event in August 13 & 14
Great year for students getting licenses at the track

Lapping and Time Attack went smoothly.

This weekend coming Sept 14/15 – AMPs 50th Anniversary
There is Time Attack and Lapping both days. Two sessions each day

Roughly 14 lappers registered and 8 people for Time Attack

At the AGM we need to look at the 2 wheels and 4 wheels off rules.

Questions? Email-


50th anniversary weekend is coming up this weekend September 15/16. Two-day event.
Schedule is out now.
23 cars are currently registered
On Saturday is the 50th anniversary celebrations, there is a band Saturday night and stand-up comedy.  There will be past racers with stories. Should be a good weekend.
The Beefy Weiner will be there for food.

Joel going to reach out to Justin W to see if he can get our radios from Zack for use on the Weekend

JCM will be October 12th
Looking at different options for this.
Starting to get sponsors for this.
ASCC is going to sponsor the event $500.00 – members in attendance voted on this event

Fall Navex on September 29 isn’t going to happen, looking at the date October 26 waiting to be confirmed.
Ian and Jim still talking back and forth on the January Navex, likely will be in Musquodoboit valley area

Next performance rally is September 21/22 – Trout lake – Somewhere from 6-9 cars should enter. They are looking for volunteers, if you can help, please reach out to

Rally Difi happened this past weekend had 29 competitors
There was some heartbreak but was a good event.

New Business

August 31 Carson Exports held a car show at AMP. They parked the cars around the track, so you could walk the track and look at them. Track had a booth, Cal had his rally car, Steve had his Autoslalom BMW, WCN had both race cars, Joel has his Legends car and Derek Clarke had his Miata. Steve’s car won best in show. They had a limbo competition and a two step contest.
If they do this again next year, this would be a really great spot for ASCC to have a booth.

Ron Mckenzie brought a beautiful trophy to give to ASCC, it has Car’s from old trophies that George had on them.

No news yet about the ARMS AGM, should be the third weekend in November? Should be AFRA and AMKA hosting it.

The ASCC AGM will be December 10th

We have ASCC T-shirts available for $20 each.

Motion to Adjourn Ian
Seconded by Scott

ASCC September Meeting Minutes

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