ASCC July Exec Meeting
July 9, 2024


 198 Members


We have $22684.60 in the bank.
There are seven outstanding payables

We held an event at Scotia Speed World
We had 33 entries
we were able to do four runs

We held our Digby Double last weekend.
The test in tune went well – no weather issues
Saturday we got rained out in the morning and were able to have 3 runs
Sunday we were delayed due to fog, able to do 3 runs this day as well.
The stop box timing unit got hit at the test and tune – we will put in the sup regs that if you damage the timing gear you are responsible to replace it. We will need to purchase new heads and send ours back for replacement as now both sets of our heads have been damaged. Scott is going to look at ordering a set of heads
We need to get some fire extinguishers

Happy with the new pylons.

The registration for the next three events is up now if you want to register for any.

Next Event
July 17 – Scotia Speed World
July 27 – Stoneridge Fellowship Church
September 8 – Scotia Speed World


We held another school in June – 6 people attended, 5 received licenses. School went well.

Sunday was lapping with race and everything went well on that day.  

Next Event
ARMS is holding school/lapping on July 20 & 21

Questions? Email-


Average entries at the last race event.
Went pretty smoothly, until the one hour then it rained.
Going to bring up the transponder returning process on the next race call

The next race weekend is on July 20-21

Looking for volunteers to help out in September for the 50th anniversary weekend.

Navex – Bluenose Navigational Rally was held mid June excellent turnout which was great for a summer event. Weather was damp but it was great to see people out

Performance Rally – June 1 had our first performance rally, 6 cars entered. Was a good event.

Next performance rally is September 21/22 – Trout lake – they are looking for volunteers

New Business
National Superbike is this weekend at AMP

Motion to Adjourn Ian
Seconded by Scott

July Meeting Minutes

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