Minutes of March 8/11
ASCC General Meeting
President Debbie Miller called the meeting to order.
Gordon Sleigh and Jason Smith were absent.
Treasurer Brian Jarvis advised we have a bank balance of $9642.02 and $139.30 in the Paypal account, some bills to be paid but we should still have a balance of app $8650.00 after all that. We need to see a bill from ASN for the D&O insurance and Brian asked Taylor for a list of solo events for the year that we can submit for insurance.
Taylor MacArthur gave a solo report, he has been in touch with Debert again and thinks he may have a meeting with an official there, also hoping to obtain the use of the Truro Powercentre parking lot for events there too. George Sheppard reported that he is on a committee that are reviewing the SCCA classifications for the region. Ming Wong and Alan Cole are also on the committee, contact them re your class concerns. We run under ASN rules but will adopt SCCA classifications. The National Solo event will be out west this year, possibly Calgary. The first event is a regional in Moncton May 22. Then our event in Digby July 1. The sprint calendar was also discussed. Seems MMSC offered to host one regional sprint but may have changed that to a “special MMSC club” event, we will check out the minutes of the solo workshop, maybe this “special club” date should remain a regional sprint date instead or we share the weekend. Some talk centred around how we lost the long weekend in Sept date to the BMW club, who are now not even members of AMP.
Rally Director Ian Pearce (ed. Gordon Sleigh) was not present, next rally is BAC (Club) event Apr 30.
Debbie Miller reported for Brian Gay that the Spec Miata class has sponsorship and we should be hearing more from them soon, sounds like 3 cars for sure. The first race day in May will be a double points event.
Bill Anwyll reported on the recent AMP AGM. New radio rental fees, now $250 a day, $500 a weekend. Club rental rate remains the same but non-member rates have increased. A new electrical building that can also house a canteen was discussed, not sure if it will be on-site for this season. George also asked why the AGM could not be held sooner than Feb….
Old business consisted of a poster that Brian Jarvis bought from Kijiji of an ASCC Valley Rallye, no date, hand painted, in great shape. We will ask Ben Fullerton if he can provide any background on it.
Frank MacCarthy regaled us with some Ron Locke, Don Hogan, and a GP in 1976 at Mosport stories.
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Debbie Miller