ASCC Executive Meeting November 3rd, 2009 Executive Members present: President: Brian Jarvis (Not Present) Vice President/Membership: Jason Smith Outgoing Vice President: Umberto LoPresti (Not Present) Treasurer: Colin Wilmshurst Secretary: Gordon Sleigh Race Director: Debbie Miller Rally Director: Bill Anwyll Solo Director: Jason Smith Member/Directors at Large: George Sheppard, Bill Anwyll, Umberto LoPresti (Not Present) Additional members present: 8 Meeting called to order at 7:45pm Presidents Report Brian Jarvis was not present thus no Presidents report was provided. Membership Report 160-ish members. Treasurer Report Brian Jarvis submitted the club bank balance as $22,480.90 excepting costs for the Canfield Memorial and May race expenses. Race Report A number of individuals involved in regional racing joined the meeting and conducted a discussion concerning plans for ARMS racing in 2010 and beyond in preparation for the ARMS AGM taking place next weekend. Discussion concerning the organization and possible structure for a new Race committee took place as well as who whould make an ideal regional race director. Debbie Miller was mentioned as a possibility. She neither accepted nor declined her interest at this meeting. The race director, whomever that may be, will chair the creation and organization of a commitee. Sponsorship for the series was discussed. The name of the series 'TRAC Tour' was discussed as it misrepresents the event (no 'tour') and doesn't communicate well verbally, the idea of dropping 'Tour' from the name was discussed. Promition of the rules and how to race via a better organized website and rulset was discussed, possibly with better promotion of website URLs via signage and/or windshield banners on all race cars. (Windshield banner area reserved for series sponsorship/advertising) Jason proposed some cost distribution systems to promote entries including buying racing passes with a discount. The suggestion was also made to make the 'newbie racer' rate available to racers who have not been to the track for 2 years. Rally Report No rally report was provided due to the duration of the race discussion. Solo Report No Solo report was provided due to the duration of the race discussion. Meeting adjourned at: 9:06pm Todo: