What forms of driver education does the Atlantic Sports Car Club offer?
ASCC offers a variety of driver education programs varying from simple car control right up to full nationally-recognized road racing qualifications. Typically ASCC runs three types of schools throughout the year.
AutoSlalom – This is the most basic level of instruction available. Taught in a parkling lot setting instructors will show you how to control your vehicle in low-speed manoevers around a tight course laid out by pylons. Speeds maintained are typically below 60km/h. This is very safe for both driver and vehicle.
This course is informational/practice only and completion is not a prerequisite for participation in AutoSlalom events nor does it qualify the participant for SoloSprint or Lapping Sessions.
High Performance Driving School – Conducted at Atlantic Motorsport Park in Shubenacadie this advanced driving course will teach you high speed car control and racing lines around a purpose built 2.41km road course. Completion of this course qualifies you to attend regular lapping sessions and in SoloSprint competitions.
Race School – The most advanced driver education program offered by ASCC the Race school is a multi-day course which begins with a classroom session where you will learn the physics and concepts behind driving at the limit. Traction circles, racing theory and track conduct are all covered in depth. An on-track session with a one-on-one instructor will put your skills to the test. Completion of this course qualifies you to attent Lapping Sessions and SoloSprint. Completion of a further provisional race (Which requires a fully race-prepared vehicle and all proper safety gear) qualifies you for ARMS Road Racing licensing.
Lapping Sessions/Track Days – Lapping sessions (sometimes referred to as Track Days) are open-track sessions available to qualified drivers. Though instructors are not provided unless specifically arranged, these sessions are educational in experience and seat-time. See the Lapping Session/Track Days section of this site.
When are the schools offered?
Schools are run several times a year depending on interest levels typically with a spring session for each repeating as necessary. For the current schedule, details and costs of school events please consult the ASCC Event Calendar.